Albert Redo-Sanchez, PhD
Distinguished Professor at the Universidad de Zaragoza
Research group: Graphics and Imaging Lab
E-mail: aredo@unizar.es
Current activity: Academic
| ORCID: 0000-0002-0601-4820 | Google Scholar profile here | Linked-In profile here |
Research areas
- Non-line-of-sight (NLOS) imaging and transient imaging
- Computer vision and machine learning
- Modeling and simulation
- Terahertz and non-destructive testing
- Code/data processing:
- Python, C/C++, Matlab, Mathematica, LabView
- Design:
- Zemax, SolidWorks, Fusion360, VRED
- Research:
- Experiment design, execution, data modeling, data analysis, and reporting
- Proof of concept experiments and prototyping up to minimum viable product (MVP)
- Manager:
- Project planning, execution, and supervision
- Proposal writting and funding
- Sales and business development:
- Customer requirements collection and analysis
- Management of relationships with distributors
- Comercial product development